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Canadian Publishers’ Council

Canadian Publishers' Council Contact Information
3080 Yonge Street, Suite 6060
Toronto, ON, M4N 3N1416-322-7011
416-322-6999 (fax)
E-mail: pubadmin@pubcouncil.ca
Website: www.pubcouncil.ca

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The Canadian Publishers’ Council, as Canada’s main English language book publishing trade association was founded in 1910 and represents the interests of publishing companies that publish books and other media for elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, professional and reference markets, the retail and library sectors. Members employ more than 2800 Canadians and collectively account for nearly three-quarters of all domestic sales of English-language books. Members spend over $50 million with Canadian-based book manufacturers and pay more than $25 million in royalties to Canada’s writers.

The Council represents the Canadian publishing community on the international level in the International Publishers Association (IPA) and is a member of the International Federation of Reprographic Rights Organizations (IFFRO). The CPC also maintains liaison with other Canadian professional publishers’ associations, with the Association of American Publishers and the U.K. Publishers Association, as well as with Canadian colleagues in all areas of the literary arts, educational, library and retail communities.